: : at .initializeTransformationServices(TransformationServicesHandler. : : at .initialiseTransformationServices(TransformationServicesHandler.java:107) : : at $Values.forEach(HashMap.java:981) : : at .lambda$initialiseTransformationServices$7(TransformationServicesHandler.java:107) : : at .onInitialize(TransformationServiceDecorator.java:68) : : at .FMLServiceProvider.initialize(FMLServiceProvider.java:92) : : at .tupLaunchHandler(FMLLoader.java:195) : : at .FMLCommonLaunchHandler.validatePaths(FMLCommonLaunchHandler.java:121) : : at $Head.forEach(ReferencePipeline.java:580) : : at $ArraySpliterator.forEachRemaining(Spliterators.java:948) : : at .FMLCommonLaunchHandler.lambda$validatePaths$4(FMLCommonLaunchHandler.java:124) : Added Lets Encrypt root certificates as additional trust : ModLauncher 4.1.0+62+5bfa59b starting: java version 1.8.0_231 by Oracle Corporation 20:59:54,292 main WARN Advanced terminal features are not available in this environment

I understand the what the drunk already mentioned about how some people are having problems, but I didn’t understand whatthedrunks instructions about the twitch install folder. NET Framework Solution 4: Reinstall Twitch Solution 5: Modify the minecraft. every time I try to load a modpack from the twitch mod loader it gives me this: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize256m support was removed in 8.0Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize256m support was removed in 8. I already posted about this, but I got the initial problem fixed but then a different one came up. Solution 2: Delete AppData Solution 3: Installing.